Beyond the Classroom: Electronic Health Record Software’s Impact on School Community Health

Beyond the classroom: Electronic health record software’s impact on school community health   Introduction & Evolution of Health Management in Schools The evolution of health management in schools and school student’s health has seen a significant role played by Electronic Health Record (EHR) software. EHRs have become an essential tool for school nurses, allowing for efficient data management processes and improving the overall quality of school student’s health.   With EHRs, school nurses can easily document, report, and analyze student health data. This enables them to identify health trends and take swift action. EHRs also facilitate interoperability and care coordination by mapping school nursing documentation to standardized coding systems. This ensures that health information can be shared and accessed by different healthcare providers and school-based team members.   Moreover, EHRs support the collection of data points as defined by the National Association of School Nurses’ National School Health Data Set, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of student health needs and interventions. Additionally, EHRs can facilitate third-party reimbursement to local education agencies for healthcare provided to students, making it easier to provide necessary healthcare services that cater to the school student’s health.   Overall, the significance of EHRs in school community health cannot be overstated, as they improve the efficiency, quality, and safety of healthcare, positively impacting the well-being and academic success of students.  Explain how EHR software benefits schools in managing health records?  EHR software benefits schools in managing health records in several ways.   First, EHRs provide a centralized and secure system for storing and accessing school student’s health information. This eliminates the need for paper-based records and reduces the risk of lost or misplaced documents.   Second, EHRs improve the efficiency of data management processes by allowing for quick and easy documentation, reporting, and analysis of student health data. This saves time for school nurses and other healthcare providers, enabling them to focus more on providing care.   Third, EHRs support interoperability by allowing for the sharing of health information with other healthcare providers and members of the school-based team. This improves care coordination and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of student health needs.   Finally, EHRs can generate reports and analytics that help identify health trends and inform decision-making for preventive and intervention strategies. Overall, EHR software streamlines health record management in schools, improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services.  How does EHR software contribute to preventive health measures in schools?  EHR software contributes to preventive health measures in schools by enabling school nurses to identify health trends and take proactive action. With EHRs, school nurses can quickly access and analyze student health data, such as immunization compliance and incidences of environmental and chronic health conditions. This allows them to identify potential health risks and implement preventive measures, such as targeted interventions or health education programs. EHRs also support the sharing of aggregated data with local health departments, which can inform community disease surveillance and preventive strategies. By facilitating the collection and analysis of data, EHR software helps schools prioritize preventive health measures and promote the overall well-being of students.  Future trends in school health management  Future trends in school health management include the continued integration of technology, such as EHRs, to streamline data management and improve communication among healthcare providers. This includes the use of mobile health (mHealth) applications to monitor student health and provide real-time updates to parents and healthcare professionals.   Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on mental health support in schools, with the implementation of mental health screening tools and the availability of counselling services.   Collaborative partnerships between schools, healthcare providers, and community organizations are also expected to increase, promoting a holistic approach to student health and well-being. Finally, there is a focus on health equity, ensuring that all students have access to quality healthcare and support services. 

How EHRs Can Help Prevent Medical Errors

How EHRs can help prevent medical errors Medical errors are a cause of concern for most health care professionals. Medical professionals know that mistakes happen, and one needs to take corrective measures to ensure accuracy in all aspects of patient care.   EHRs not just help document and provide better patient care but also can serve in reducing medical errors. In this article, we shall discuss EHR and patient safety, what are the different medical errors and how EHRs can help in preventing medical errors. How do electronic medical records help to reduce various medical errors?  Medication errors are more common than one would assume. It occurs when a person consults with more than one physician. Typically, the patient refuses to reveal that he is being seen by more than one doctor. When we talk about medication errors, it defines everything from incorrect dosages to inadvertently prescribing the wrong drugs. The good news is that such mistakes can be avoided with the help of an EHR (Electronic Health Records).  EHRs can help prevent medical errors by triggering alerts in food/drug and drug interactions. EHR technology can also aid in the prevention of medical errors by identifying potential drug side effects and/or adverse reactions.  EHR database features can help physicians and other care team members quickly research any drug, its side effects, and/or contraindications. Such systems frequently include health plans for approved and standard dosage, administration, and contraindications for specific drugs. Some medical systems use split screens to compare pre-admission medications for potential interactions or dangerous adverse reactions with potentially new medications prescribed for a current treatment or procedure.  EHRs help providers identify and correct operational problems in a timely and organized manner. A qualified EHR not only records a patient’s medications or allergies, but also checks for issues whenever a new medication is prescribed and alerts the clinician to potential conflicts. A primary care provider’s information recorded in the EHR will alert the emergency department clinician of a potentially fatal allergy, allowing the emergency personnel to take appropriate care measures. Electronic prescribing is more secure, affordable, and more convenient for both practitioners and patients.  Strategies and practices for reducing medical errors when utilizing EHR systems  Here are some suggestions and best practices that can be adopted while using EHRS to prevent medical errors.  Avoid Using an Inappropriate EHR The risk of using an improper EHR can lead to a variety of issues, including difficulties in clinical data management and collection; failures in data sharing; failures in alerting for risks, such as adverse drug interactions; and failures in interoperability.  In simple terms, an EHR should improve workflows and decision-making rather than hinder it.  Intuitive use of data and risk-reduction strategies Understanding trends in patient healthcare quality and emerging areas of risk within an organization is a key component of lowering medical error risk. Data and metrics (when used intuitively) serve as the foundation for a practice to determine what areas may be at risk or where recurring mistakes may arise.   EHRs alone will not solve the problem; they must be used in tandem with other risk-reduction techniques.  Training of staff and personnel Medical errors can occur because of user errors, especially when clinical data is incorrectly entered by the staff. Implementing the required measures to assure the quality of the data provided, as well as training the staff on how to effectively use the EHR’s data input interface, are all part of the training to minimize user errors. How can an EHR reduce medication errors at schools?  EduHealth is a reliable and secure EHR system for schools that can reduce medication errors by recording medication details, medication timing, dosage information, medical history, medication authorizations, and treatment authorizations. It aids student care by assisting the school nurse and medical practitioner to keep track of the pupils’ health issues such as chronic illnesses, allergies and medications.  Based on prescriptions, school nurses can update the system with medication information and administration and the system sets up automated alerts to ensure school nurses are enabled to deliver the medication on time.   Another valuable feature is the e-prescription, which helps record the child’s medication history for all the different doctors the child has seen and offers a complete overview of the child’s ailments, allergies, and current medications, ensuring the child’s safe treatment.   Finally, it is all about providing better care that is free of medical errors  EHRs (Electronic health records) can help in the identification of any red flags during the treatment process, resulting in better patient outcomes. Healthcare providers need to understand that machines can only go so far and that human attention and response to alerts and warnings must be addressed as promptly as possible.   When selecting the best EHR system to reduce medical errors, follow some basic guidelines. It is essential to select a system that not only provides flexibility but also ease of use, interoperability, and functionality. EduHealth is a powerful cloud-based EHR system for schools that ensures timely medication administration, reduces medical errors, and provides safer student care.

How do electronic health records (EHR or EMR) improve the quality of care

How do electronic health records (EHR or EMR) improve the quality of care   There is a growing interest in EHRs around the world. Technology and innovations are changing the health industry, governments and organizations are focusing on providing better health services to the public.  Today, we’ll look at the world of EHRs or EMRs and how significant they are in the ever-changing world of modern health care.  Examining the health-care quality aspect of EHRs You may be aware of EHR’s or EMR’s in recent times and how they are changing the health industry with their fast-paced functionalities and interoperability. EHR’s are conceptually designed for different purposes and they offer a huge advantage of collecting and maintaining the patients’ medical information in electronic formats.    EHRs contain a wide range of patient-level variables such as diagnoses, demographics, vital signs, problem lists, medications, and laboratory data. It is a key tool that performs a variety of core functions such as health information capture, clinical decision support, health information exchange, patient support, electronic communication, orders and results management administrative processes, and population health reporting. Electronic health records provide all the essential information and meaningful patient data that helps in providing positive health outcomes. In present times doctors and clinics are better equipped to treat the patients and meet their expectations, and readily available valuable data from the EHR systems will help contribute to easier clinical decision making. Better analysis and information  EHR’s provides better and more detailed information about the patients that were not previously possible with paper charts. Primary care providers can acquire accurate analysis by viewing or printing graph values such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight by tracking all the changes over time. The EMR data will help primary care providers to develop a better care plan for chronic diseases, management, prevention, and screening. Point-of-care data from EMRs can be used to inform practice and conduct research. The EMR data provides the physician with valuable practice-level information when used meaningfully, which includes standard and consistent data entry in specific fields. Positive effects on workflow  The EMR allows clinicians to see a greater number of patients by providing better access to comprehensive patient histories that include clinical data, potentially saving physicians time searching for results and reports. Remote access to patient charts, improved laboratory result availability, medication error alerts, and preventive care reminders are among the perceived benefits. Aids physicians in focusing on preventive care  Improved versions of today’s EHRs have helped healthcare providers manage preventable diseases more effectively. They can use EHRs to send electronic templates to patients, prompting them to schedule appointments for procedures such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and other exams. These precautions can help in the early detection of potentially fatal diseases like breast cancer. Doctors can stay on top of their patient’s health by being on a high alert for patients who still have not had important screening tests.  EHRs give caregivers the tools they need to spot patient risks and behaviors, resulting in better preventive care. It also allows doctors to focus on patients rather than numbers, which improves the quality of care and treatment outcomes. Better Patient Outcomes  In the emergency room, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, doctors are frequently the only point of contact for patients. When data isn’t recorded and available to all staff, it leads to fragmented data and misinterpretations. Thanks to EHRs, administrators can virtually monitor a patient’s health. This improves patient outcomes by improving access to healthcare data and care coordination. The Positive Impact of EHRs in the Healthcare industry EHRs are significantly transforming the healthcare industry; they contain patient-centered records containing medical and treatment histories of patients that are only accessible to authorized users.  Because of its safe and compatible features, and elaborate reports, it is an ideal instrument for health practitioners and labs to provide a comprehensive and broader view of the patient’s care. So, how do EHRs improve the quality of care, you might ask?  Well, EHR systems are designed to go beyond the standard clinical data collected in a physician’s office. Here are some of the key points that EHRs deliver in the field of healthcare and medicine. Improved Patients care  Aside from making healthcare providers’ lives easier, they also improve patient care and safety. EHRs make more valuable data available to providers and aid in clinical data management. They also help to streamline clinical decision-making and time-consuming processes.  Patients may see multiple doctors, ranging from cardiologists to dermatologists. Every doctor a patient sees must have the same knowledge. EHRs ensure that every provider in the patient’s network of care is aware of which medications they are taking as well as any other treatment plans. EHRs also offer the convenience of electronic prescriptions sent to pharmacies and the elimination of the need to fill out the same forms at each doctor’s visit. EHRs put accurate and complete information about patients’ health and medical history at the fingertips of providers. With EHRs, caregivers can provide the best possible care at the point of care. This can result in a better patient experience and, more importantly, better patient outcomes. That is how EHRs help in improving patient care by delivering high-quality treatment.  Increase Patient Participation  EHRs authorize providers and patients to share access to electronic health information and collaborate on making informed decisions. Patient involvement is especially important for treating chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and obesity. EHR-enabled patient portals give patients access to critical healthcare information. EHRs deliver patients with access to current medical records and enable them to review notes or treatment results in near real-time. Many also allow patients to send messages to providers through a secure system.    Providers may be able to identify symptoms earlier if patients and providers can communicate quickly and easily. It can also position providers to be more proactive in their patient outreach. Patients can also access information from their providers via patient portals linked to their EHR system.  Improved Care Coordination   As medical and…

Top-performing Electronic Health Record software with contact tracing feature

Table of Contents   Schools in the US are expected to reopen in the fall and while parents remain concerned about children’s safety when in-person learning resumes, school health administrators are looking at ways to keep school environments safe to ensure there are no disruptions to in-person learning. Public health authorities in the US have received around 8.2 million reports for COVID-19 as of May 25. And as schools prepare to open, school health authorities need to anticipate such a crisis as well and prepare with the best tools to manage the crisis. A COVID 19 tracker tool with advanced contact tracing features is the technology schools need to have in place to efficiently manage this crisis. But how can you mitigate the spread of communicable diseases like COVID-19 using an EHR tool? By putting in place an EHR software that facilitates the exchange of important health information between parents, school health authorities and medical professionals in real-time on one single system. This is very helpful when there are lots of student health monitoring, reporting, and cross-platform communication to tackle. However, recent surveys say that school nurses are finding it hard to manage student data in EHR software. The reason? Bad user experience! Not every EHR software can give a pleasant user experience. Which is where a simple-to-use system that meets a school’s end-to-end school health needs like EduHealth can help. The system is so easy to use even if users are not particularly good with technology systems. The EduHealth team recently conducted a school nurse survey and 86% responded that user-friendliness is very important for school EHR systems. And now, in the present context, what schools and school nurses are expecting in EHR software are added features like contact tracing and COVID-19 tracking. EduHealth, in this aspect, is all set to make things stress-free for school nurses. According to a December 2020 survey of US adults, 31% of respondents believed that a contact tracing software on their mobile phones to trace the spread of COVID-19 would be very effective at slowing its spread. Only 7% believed that contact tracing software are ineffective in tracing COVID-19 spread. This indicates that EHR software with contact tracing and COVID-19 tracking may finally get their moment! Let us have a quick glimpse of the top-performing school EHR software in 2021 and how EduHealth is different from those, especially in the context of the global pandemic.     Top EHR software of 2021 We evaluated some of the top EHR systems available today and have a list for you to look into as you invest on a new EHR software for your school. All observations are based on user feedback. EduHealth: EduHealth supports K-12 school health clinics in improving student health care. It digitizes students’ health information, making the right information available in a single button click and with features like bulk scanning, health information management within the system is simple and hassle-free, easing the efforts of school nurses. EduHealth can ensure utmost healthcare for children and helps school nurses proactively manage their tasks on any device. Comprehensive student health record management COVID 19 tracking and contact tracing capabilities Real-time communication with important touchpoints on one system Charts are similar to medical charts, allowing nurses to adapt to the system faster System can be custom-built to school’s unique needs Infinite Campus: Infinite Campus is a Student Information System (SIS) that has on-boarding support, parent and student portal, academic planner, and access to the inbuilt Learning Management System (LMS) platform. While Infinite Campus has great flexibility, and, is regarded as a great tool for student data tracking and parent communication, it has certain areas to look into like: Lack of a user-friendly interface Additional payment for added features Character limitation in fields EHR module is not comprehensive PowerSchool: PowerSchool SIS is a powerful tool that helps students, teachers, and parents maintain their schedules. It offers cloud-based software solutions for K-12 education in North America. It can manage instruction, learning, grading, assessment, and analytics among others. While PowerSchool has all such benefits, there are aspects of health record management to improve: Long page loading durations User has trouble understanding icons Technically challenging Lengthy training sessions Less intuitive in terms of finding shortcuts and system tools Customization is challenging EHR module is not comprehensive SNAP Health Center: SNAP Health Center is a management tool designed for schools of all sizes for health monitoring, screenings, appointment scheduling, and more. SNAP is a cloud-based student health surveillance tool. Certain schools don’t find SNAP Health Center as a feasible option because of its disadvantages such as: No free trial/version No training/help tools, only call/email support Less intuitive in terms of the complex names in menus User interface is difficult to maneuver Skyward Skyward is a K-12 SIS that offers academic planning, a portal for family engagement tools, and task management for admin and students. It is an ideal solution for schools and districts looking forward to an intelligent SIS for student data collection, organization, and ease of communication. Here are some suggestions it needs to look at: Software is not user-friendly and looks outdated Customization difficulties Not comprehensible Reporting is confusing Synergy With over 10,000 users, Synergy is a well-known web-based software that improves the health outcomes of school students and saves school nurses’ time and effort. It is quite the software required for educational looking forward to a SIS solution, but Synergy too has certain shortcomings such as: Design imperfections Saving downtime not up to the expectations Software hanging issues  

EHR Adoption Rate Statistics

  Team EduHealth recently surveyed school nurses to understand the latest EHR (Electronic Health Record) adoption trends in schools and school districts. The statistical report is based on a survey we conducted, which finds what in an EHR are school nurses and administrators looking for and which features in the system improved its adoption rates in the school and school districts. We’ve also covered important statistics on the other key decision-making factors in EHR adoption. The respondents of the survey are school nurses from schools and school districts in sMid-West, South-East and North-East America.   Background  Until very recently, school nurses used paper records to manage student health. The traditional methods of paper-based health record management were proving to be tedious and an administrative burden on already overworked school nurses. If a student came to the nurse’s room with an emergency health condition, the school nurse would have to open up hundreds of documents to learn more about the student’s pre-existing health conditions, allergies and the right medication. There also was the glaring disproportion of school nurses with students, which made things harder. In this context, health record software that electronically recorded student medical records were seen as a practical alternative to make school nurses’ jobs a tad bit easier. But as COVID 19 began its onslaught, electronic health record systems – whose capabilities then predominantly included medication tracking and immunization tracking had to be pivoted to include COVID 19 tracking and the ability to track student health remotely. COVID 19 also prompted several schools to quickly adopt an electronic health record system to meet the changes presented by the “new normal.” Today, though most schools have a system to track health records, expectations around what can be achieved with these systems have changed. But, there is no denying that EHR systems for schools have revolutionized student care by making it easy for school nurses to track and stay on top of student health without being riddled with loads of administrative tasks. And as EHR adoption rates grow, we aim to understand how school nurses use EHR systems and the critical features in an EHR system used most by school nurses and administrators to manage student health documents as well as the objective they hope to fulfill with EHR systems. The EHR statistics results are based on the information given to us by over 100 school nurses. Key takeaways of the survey    91% school nurses use some form electronic system to manage health records in their schools 30% schools do not have a COVID 19 tracking and contact tracing system in place Immunization tracking and charting capabilities in an electronic health record are very important to school nurses User friendliness is an important electronic health record adoption feature, with 86% of respondents replying in the positive Reporting capabilities is also a major priority, with 86% responding as very important Most school nurses want their student electronic health record systems to be HIPAA and FERPA compliant     EHR systems in a school environment  “EHR systems in a school setting have the capability to manage data and share it with members of the health care team outside the school setting can serve to optimize coordination of care.” NASN Schools have adopted EHR to simplify the management of important health information and make it easily accessible. In our survey, we asked the respondents if they used EHR systems. And 91% of the respondents said they use electronic health record systems in their schools. EHRs are essential to simplify the management of student health and medication needs. Electronic health record (EHR) is an electronic version of a patient’s medical history maintained over time. It includes all the critical administrative clinical data relevant to the person, including medications, problems, immunizations, other health notes, and so on. EHR systems automate information and have the potential to streamline their user’s workflow. However, from our survey, we gathered that 9% of survey respondents still rely on traditional methods, including paper forms or excel sheets, to manage student health record management.   What do 91% of school nurses expect from an EHR system? Though the EHR statistics says that 91% of school nurses have adopted an EHR platform, there are a significant number of users who are not happy with what the platform offers. As the complexity of health reports changes, school nurses and administrators need a system that can adapt to changing expectations. So, what are they looking for in an EHR system? Let’s find out. EHRs must be simple   User friendly interfaces When asked about the user friendliness of EHR systems, 86% of respondents in the EHR survey said the feature was a “very important” one. When school nurses use an electronic health record system, they expect ease of use, which takes only a reasonable amount of time to learn. EHR usability is defined by the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which specific users can achieve a particular set of tasks for a specific environment. Poor educational EHR usability leads to school nurses’ burn-out, increased medication errors, and student safety issues.   Health record and form digitization capabilities 73% of EHR survey respondents say that health record and paper form digitization capabilities “on-the-go” is a crucial priority. Though EHR systems store information digitally, the process of entering data remains largely manual. The data entry process involves several hours’ worth of effort. School nurses usually manage multiple health-related administrative tasks in the school, and one among them is updating students’ health records. While they earlier resorted to documenting them on paper records, the system was not reliable because human error loomed largely. Modern EHR systems leverage several technologies to help the school nurse community overcome this challenge. But sometimes, these systems make it difficult for school nurses to capture and store data in the right locations. The bulk scanner on EduHealth focuses on helping school nurses overcome this critical challenge. It scans the relevant information from health forms and saves it in the system. This way, it saves several administrative work hours and ensures all the data is stored in the right format, making data reporting- and audit-ready anytime.   Data transferability and uniformity The right data is very critical to arrive at the right conclusions. But transferring data from an existing system to another one is a challenge. First, all the data would be siloed and secondly, they’d be stored in multiple formats – some digital and some in paper. In this scenario, it can be difficult to transfer data to a system, let alone make sense of it. 62% of EHR survey respondents consider ease of transferring data a “very important” aspect…

Nurse with tab

How Electronic Health Records Help Reduce Teacher Absences

  More than 900,000 K-12 teachers per school year were absent from their classrooms in 2019.   This is 28% of teachers nation-wide who are chronically absent.   This number is thought to be even higher with the rise in number of teachers resigning from their jobs owing to COVID 19.   10 absent days every school year is the tipping point beyond which teacher absences go from an acceptable level to the problematic chronic level. And on average, teachers are now absent for about 11.8 days.   The National Bureau of Economic Research has said that 10 days of teacher’s absence can cause significant decrease in student outcomes.   And the negative effect goes beyond students, to their colleagues and the school community.   Without consistency during classes and high-quality instruction, students are more likely to see low achievement levels, increasing their chances of not graduating. Moreover, when teachers are chronically absent, they compel colleagues to work harder and pick up the slack.     What are the main reasons for teachers’ absence?  Factors that influence teachers’ decision to stay absent include timing, sick days, maternity leaves, personal days, professional development, colleagues’ attendance norms and care for children/elderly parents.  Certain others attribute the problem to an unsupportive or lax school climate. When teachers don’t feel motivated to go to school, they decide to not show up.   Stress and illnesses that come from interacting with young children who are susceptible to illnesses – occupational hazards too are counted in.     COVID 19-related absences  And this year, owing to COVID 19, many teachers have opted out of returning to schools. Several states have seen surges in educators filing for retirement or taking leaves of absence.   Some teachers worry schools were not fully committed to ensuring social distancing and worried that the school did not have enough safety equipment for students and teachers.   Certain others have said that technology requirements and the pressure to record classes on video were one of the reasons for their absence.     Electronic health records can reduce teacher absences  Schools can turn to technology solutions like electronic health records to overcome these challenges to a great extent.   Electronic health records (EHR) in schools can help to monitor staff health and absenteeism. They can manage healthcare-related data and help to improve how care is given. EHRs also play a vital role in keeping children healthy and in schools. And it’s a given that when children in schools are healthy, teachers too remain healthy.   Another benefit is electronic health records can help school nurses analyze absence patterns that could hint towards possibilities of stress or other challenges that teachers face in school. Once the underlying reasons for absences are identified, school administrations can take the necessary steps to see what can be done to ensure teachers are in safer and happier environments in the school.  Times like now, where teachers have to deal with the trauma of COVID 19, pose more challenges than usual. In these situations, teachers have to help themselves and their students, while adjusting to the new learning models. Here, an electronic health record software system with a COVID 19 tracker like EduHealth, can improve their confidence by ensuring safer schools and adherence to safety best practices. Once teachers are confident to come back to schools, the learning process can get back to normal, helping children improve their academic achievement levels.   —  High teacher absenteeism has consequences for students. And chronically absent teachers can cause their classes to stagnate and compel colleagues to step in as substitutes. Electronic health record software like EduHealth can be an important investment in turning this around. EHRs keep our children and schools safe. And when schools are safe, teachers are safe and present.   You can see how EduHealth can keep your school safe and keep your teachers present by signing up for a free demo today. 

10 Free e-Learning platforms for successful remote education

The schooling world changed the moment the COVID 19 school closures were announced. Almost every US state has had to immediately close schools, many for the rest of the academic year, majorly disrupting the public education system. The closures have affected close to 55 million public school students across the nation.   This has required school administrators and teachers to think differently about their approach to teaching. And children, the digital natives, have become independent in how they learn and acquire knowledge. This subsequently has resulted in the adoption of virtual learning methods, online learning and applications to keep children engaged at homes.    Several online learning platforms have responded to this need of keeping children engaged and are offering their programs for free or on discount to help children continue learning.   1. Scholastic Learn at Home Scholastic is offering a free “Learn at Home” program offering daily courses for kids. Everyday, children are given lessons that include age-appropriate writing, reading, and enrichment programs. The programs are active learning journeys designed to reinforce and sustain educational opportunities for those students who are unable to attend school.   2. Outschool  Outschool has been use for homeschooling and tutoring, and is offering classes worth $300,000 for free to children aged 3-18 through video chat. The classes cover topics in English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Coding, Health and Wellness, Music, Art and World Languages.  Kids can use the platform to learn Baking and Video Game Design.    3. Khan Academy Khan Academy offers several free educational resources for kids and parents. Their offerings include practice exercises, instructional videos and personalized learning dashboards that show students their progress in learning subjects including math, science, computer programming, history, art history and economics from home. For those struggling with creating a daily schedule, the platform offers a detailed daily schedules for children aged 4-18.    4. Peanuts Worldwide The company that gave us Snoopy and Charlie Brown has brought out educational material that kids can use to learn from home. The website now features material for children in kindergarten through to grade 8. Kids can learn STEM, language arts and social studies together with Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the whole Peanuts gang. The peanut themed lesson plans aim to help parents and guardians create dynamic learning experiences that can inspire children’s minds.    5. New York City Department of Education New York’s Department of Education released free supplementary learning resources for students. The materials focus on getting students to continue to read, write, do social studies and science activities and work on math problems. The material is grade-specific and includes daily study schedules, guides for instructional activities, recommendations of educational TV shows and links to books, magazines and websites that have content that appeals to children of all ages.    6. Comcast Xfinity Education Comcast has made available nearly 2,000 hours of programming and thousands of free titles available to Xfinity video customers. This allows children and parents quick access to educational programming by grade level. subset of the education collection is also available on Xfinity Flex and across devices via the Xfinity Stream app and website.   7. Prodigy Math  Prodigy Math is an online math program that uses video game-styled lessons for children from first to eighth grade. Children can create their own avatars and conquer math challenges along the way. Parents/teachers can create an account for themselves to monitor the child’s progress.   8. Learning at Home Center’s Learning at Home Center provides English lessons for students in grade pre-K to 12. The material created has been approved by teachers, which includes spellings, grammar, word challenges, as well as fun family activities and writing prompts.    9. Mystery Science Mystery Science has a variety of science-related topics for kids in kindergarten through fifth grades and they’re offering a number of free memberships for a year. The platform provides video lessons on practical science, experiments and downloadable activities.    10. Openstax College students looking to study while off-campus, or simply anyone looking to further their education, can use OpenStax. The platform has free online homework products and openly licensed digital textbooks that are available to anyone, anywhere. The platform includes books in math, science, social studies and more.    Several other platforms are giving free access to their learning material, most of them teaching languages, music, art, theater, history, science and so on. This presents a great opportunity for children to learn how they can study independently and research more about the topics and subjects they’re learning.   This shift also presents a new challenge to teachers. As children are aware about the possibility of effective education with apps and virtual sessions, teachers can tap into this and teach their lessons creatively. This will effectively ease their jobs, give them more time and take education beyond the classroom. But it all depends on how teachers step up to this challenge and think of it as an opportunity to deliver excellence in education.   

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Student Health Records Software (SHRS): Most Frequently Asked Questions from school officials?

Managing student health with precision and ease is a tough task even though the technology is constantly evolving. High-tech firms are continuously evolving with most modern technology platforms, systems and tools to better manage student health to ease the lives of students, school officials and medical practitioners. There are numerous Student Health Record software brands that run towards digital transformation. Fine-tuning the existing software is a challenge that officials face daily. The need to get it updated with the latest versions is the prime responsibility of software providers. Failure to install updated versions can become critical while managing student health. Paper health records keep accumulating in hospitals and schools, but these do no good in efficiently managing student health in this fast-paced tech era. SHR software digitizes paper records and accurately consolidates the entire student health history. This includes immunization records, allergy records, consent forms, emergency information details, etc. SHR provides capabilities of consolidated view in terms of interactive reports and dashboards. Eduhealth SHR opens access to critical health information via any connected devices to authorized personnel. HIPAA and FERPA guidelines make it increasingly necessary to make SHR mandatory in schools. This way schools can score well in compliance. Some of the common questions about the need of SHR: How will getting a Student Health Record (SHR) software improve my ability to care for students? You can access entire student information in one single integrated software platform. This saves time and eliminates the need for searching for information in scattered paper files. Smoother Parent communication considerably improves, and compliance improves based on necessary guidelines. Automated email reminders would intimate you about deadlines and additional requirements. There is an automated workflow that is established to pass information amongst all involved which improves collaboration. How can an SHRS help me care for students with complex conditions? Eduhealth Software identifies students with complex conditions and organizes data accordingly. Alerts and schedules including reminders are arranged based on this data. Action plans to manage complex conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and allergies are devised. You can trigger alerts to notice changes in student’s health records. Alerts can be activated to handle changes in schedules, medical history, injuries etc. Up-to-date medication trackers to effectively manage prescriptions. Connected devices to access student health records. How can SHRS improve school-wide health outcomes? Eduhealth SHR software helps to manage student health in many emergency situations and during many unpredictable outbreaks of diseases. Prevention of such outbreaks is also possible. Immunization records are updated on a regular basis and can be accessed to keep track of outbreaks and other serious conditions. Immunization schedules are cross-checked, and corrections initiated to better manage health outcomes. How will an SHRS help me save time? Eduhealth has inbuilt scanner interfaces which improve productivity, it requires Less than 30 seconds to scan 100 documents! This software integrates easily with your existing SHR software which can be Powerschool or others to transfer the health records to better manage student health. Many third-party tools like Single Signon can be installed to improve speed and efficiency. Customizations are available based on-demand. Can an SHRS help me track and manage immunizations? Your entire immunization schedules are stored at a single location on online space which makes it easier for you to streamline your system. Tracking and managing get easier and student health would improve. Reminder emails, alerts are all set-up, you can collect your documents online and all connected processes can be activated. In short, Eduhealth paves the way for a new journey and tech culture which is based on Ethics, Integrity, ease of implementation and continuous innovation and process improvement. It creates a safe and friendly tech atmosphere for Nurses to increase their productivity and take better care of student’s health. Get in touch!