Benefits of cloud-based EHR

Benefits of cloud-based EHR Health records contain sensitive information, and the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the data are of utmost priority. Keeping medical records in paper files poses a threat to this and is a challenge to the management. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) make the storage, management, and maintenance of health data easier and help you end the endless paper shuffle. They provide centralized storage and easy access to any medical information. Cloud-based EHRs are becoming increasingly popular, and their adoption rates are going higher. What is cloud-based EHRs? Cloud-based EHRs are web-based applications that use external servers to store, exchange and manage health data. These health IT solutions come with a minimum upfront cost and require low maintenance efforts when compared to internal EHR solutions. But why should you choose a cloud-based EHR? Many factors like high upfront costs and maintenance efforts prevent organizations from investing in EHRs. Investing in internal servers and ensuring secure maintenance of on-prem EHRs can be a challenge for many organizations. That’s where cloud-based EHRs come in. AfterBefore Advantages of cloud-based EHRs Let’s look at the various benefits of cloud-based EHRs and understand how investing in them can help you provide better healthcare services. 1. Easy to implement, optimize and replace Unlike inhouse EHRs, cloud-based EHRs do not require any hardware or software installation. Cloud-based EHRs are SaaS products and can be implemented directly without any additional infrastructure. This makes it easier for organizations to optimize the usage and also to replace it if it does not fit the bill. You do not need an IT team to maintain it either. 2. Significant costs savings Reduced IT cost spending is one of the most attractive features of cloud-based EHRs. Since it requires no hardware installation or purchase of software licenses, the cost of implementation is significantly reduced. Cloud-based EHRs also help you save various additional costs like new patches, release licensing fees, and maintenance cost. You only have to pay a subscription fee based on the agreement of purchase. 3.Reduce IT requirements When you are having an in-house server and internal EHRs, you also need a team of IT experts to install, configure, test, run, secure, and update hardware and software. In the case of cloud based EHRs, you can have automatic updates, so you can always use the most up-to-date version of the software. 4. Better accessibility Accessibility is a great challenge when it comes to EHRs. You can access a cloud-based EHR from anywhere with secure internet unlike the inhouse EHRs that can be accessed only from the physician’s office. This will allow better coordination and collaboration with different stakeholders and enable faster decision-making. You can allow patients to access their personal records if required. 5. Increased data security Security is one of the major concerns that hospitals and organizations raise when adopting EHRs solutions on cloud. EHRs contain personally identifiable information, including names, health information, addresses, social security numbers, lab results, dates of birth, along with medical histories. They have standard security controls like physical security, firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, anti-virus software, backups in multiple locations, patch maintenance, encryption, activity monitoring, identity and access management, and governance-risk management-compliance policies and processes. 6. Scale as you grow Cloud-based EHRs are scalable and can easily accommodate growth. If the number of staff, doctors, or patients increases or you want to add a new branch, you can easily scale the capacity. 7. Interoperability and data exchange Data exchange between various stakeholders gives a greater opportunity for optimizing care, exchanging insights, and reducing problems associated with treatments. With cloud-based EHRs, all stakeholders can access data and exchange insights through a secure, single source. This helps in faster and more confident decision-making, and providing better care. Privacy and security considerations for implementing cloud-based EHRs Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security rule provides the requirements and guidelines for storing health information. Hence different levels of access control mechanisms are strictly maintained by carefully defining who can access what information. Patients’ consent is another important aspect. Every person should be aware of where their health data is stored and who can access it. They should also be notified in advance and their consent is necessary if data is going to be used for processing. The data must be kept for a certain period of time and should be deleted after the period by authorized employees. When choosing a cloud-based EHR check the cloud provider’s reputation and select a solution provider who is well versed with requirements and legislations for EHRs.   Eduhealth – Cloud-based EHR for schools EduHealth is a SaaS application developed on Microsoft Azure for schools and is used to manage student health information. Azure cloud platform ensures the integrity, security, and scalability of the application and the responsive design makes it compatible with different devices. The cloud-based storage keeps data immune to disasters and cyber threats. EduHealth is FERPA and HIPAA compliant, and provides high level data security similar to banks. It provides different access levels for staff and parents with access control and has systems in place to prevent unauthorized access. It allows interoperability with various applications and can be integrated with different student information systems. EduHealth has an easy-to-use interface and functionalities that help nurses to easily manage student health profiles. It also facilitates communication between parents and school nurses to provide effective healthcare and minimize medication errors. This cloud-based EHR for schools makes it easier for school nurses to document and retrieve student information and helps increase their productivity by 5 times. The significant reduction in paperwork and centralized information storage helps schools to save time and cost while providing better health care to students.

How EHRs Can Help Prevent Medical Errors

How EHRs can help prevent medical errors Medical errors are a cause of concern for most health care professionals. Medical professionals know that mistakes happen, and one needs to take corrective measures to ensure accuracy in all aspects of patient care.   EHRs not just help document and provide better patient care but also can serve in reducing medical errors. In this article, we shall discuss EHR and patient safety, what are the different medical errors and how EHRs can help in preventing medical errors. How do electronic medical records help to reduce various medical errors?  Medication errors are more common than one would assume. It occurs when a person consults with more than one physician. Typically, the patient refuses to reveal that he is being seen by more than one doctor. When we talk about medication errors, it defines everything from incorrect dosages to inadvertently prescribing the wrong drugs. The good news is that such mistakes can be avoided with the help of an EHR (Electronic Health Records).  EHRs can help prevent medical errors by triggering alerts in food/drug and drug interactions. EHR technology can also aid in the prevention of medical errors by identifying potential drug side effects and/or adverse reactions.  EHR database features can help physicians and other care team members quickly research any drug, its side effects, and/or contraindications. Such systems frequently include health plans for approved and standard dosage, administration, and contraindications for specific drugs. Some medical systems use split screens to compare pre-admission medications for potential interactions or dangerous adverse reactions with potentially new medications prescribed for a current treatment or procedure.  EHRs help providers identify and correct operational problems in a timely and organized manner. A qualified EHR not only records a patient’s medications or allergies, but also checks for issues whenever a new medication is prescribed and alerts the clinician to potential conflicts. A primary care provider’s information recorded in the EHR will alert the emergency department clinician of a potentially fatal allergy, allowing the emergency personnel to take appropriate care measures. Electronic prescribing is more secure, affordable, and more convenient for both practitioners and patients.  Strategies and practices for reducing medical errors when utilizing EHR systems  Here are some suggestions and best practices that can be adopted while using EHRS to prevent medical errors.  Avoid Using an Inappropriate EHR The risk of using an improper EHR can lead to a variety of issues, including difficulties in clinical data management and collection; failures in data sharing; failures in alerting for risks, such as adverse drug interactions; and failures in interoperability.  In simple terms, an EHR should improve workflows and decision-making rather than hinder it.  Intuitive use of data and risk-reduction strategies Understanding trends in patient healthcare quality and emerging areas of risk within an organization is a key component of lowering medical error risk. Data and metrics (when used intuitively) serve as the foundation for a practice to determine what areas may be at risk or where recurring mistakes may arise.   EHRs alone will not solve the problem; they must be used in tandem with other risk-reduction techniques.  Training of staff and personnel Medical errors can occur because of user errors, especially when clinical data is incorrectly entered by the staff. Implementing the required measures to assure the quality of the data provided, as well as training the staff on how to effectively use the EHR’s data input interface, are all part of the training to minimize user errors. How can an EHR reduce medication errors at schools?  EduHealth is a reliable and secure EHR system for schools that can reduce medication errors by recording medication details, medication timing, dosage information, medical history, medication authorizations, and treatment authorizations. It aids student care by assisting the school nurse and medical practitioner to keep track of the pupils’ health issues such as chronic illnesses, allergies and medications.  Based on prescriptions, school nurses can update the system with medication information and administration and the system sets up automated alerts to ensure school nurses are enabled to deliver the medication on time.   Another valuable feature is the e-prescription, which helps record the child’s medication history for all the different doctors the child has seen and offers a complete overview of the child’s ailments, allergies, and current medications, ensuring the child’s safe treatment.   Finally, it is all about providing better care that is free of medical errors  EHRs (Electronic health records) can help in the identification of any red flags during the treatment process, resulting in better patient outcomes. Healthcare providers need to understand that machines can only go so far and that human attention and response to alerts and warnings must be addressed as promptly as possible.   When selecting the best EHR system to reduce medical errors, follow some basic guidelines. It is essential to select a system that not only provides flexibility but also ease of use, interoperability, and functionality. EduHealth is a powerful cloud-based EHR system for schools that ensures timely medication administration, reduces medical errors, and provides safer student care.


    NATIONAL SCHOOL NURSE DAY – MAY 11, 2022     “It’s All About Appreciating Them, Our Schools’ Healthcare Heroes.”  National School Nurse week from May 6th to 12th is celebrated to appreciate school nurses for their contributions and services. They take care of children at school, and advocate for quality healthcare services.  They are healers, role models, and comforters. They rise to all the challenges that students face everywhere. National School Nurse Day is celebrated on May 11th to recognize the service and dedication of the school nurses in ensuring students’ well-being and improving their academic performance at school.   The History of National School Nurse Day Schools have prioritized student health since the inception of school nurses in the 1940s and 1950s. Nurses, teachers, students, and physicians have worked together to create the education curriculum. National School Nurse Day honors the foundation of the Department of School Nurses in 1968.   The department was formed with the intention of promoting school nursing practices across the country. In 1974, President Ford declared National School Nurse Day a federal holiday. Since the department’s founding and the holiday, school nurses have been recognized and honored for their services to the health and well-being of students all over the world.  How National School Nurse Day is celebrated  Appreciating the school nurses for their contributions:  National School Nurse Day may provide your child with a life-changing opportunity to witness directly how healing and treatments operate. Show them your appreciation by giving them a thank you card or appreciation gifts.    Encouraging students to be health-conscious and express gratitude to the school nurse:  Share this occasion with your friends and family and explain why school nurses are so vital. Teach kids how to wash their hands and other important hygiene practices to keep them out of trouble. This will make the job of the school nurses a lot easier.  Celebrating the achievements of the school nurse and advocating for them:  More nurses are needed in the world; educate people about nursing and how school nurses came to be through seminars and booklets. Advocate for higher pay, better working conditions, and a better presence in the system for school nurses.    “EduHealth was designed with the goal of making the jobs of school nurses easier. We celebrate this occasion to appreciate all school nurses worldwide.” 

Hearing loss in students, and how can school nurses help?

  Hearing loss in students, and how can school nurses help? Hearing loss can have a severe impact on a child. Students who are deaf have stressful, isolated, and difficult experiences. Educating kids with hearing impairments requires more than just standard communication strategies. Even with today’s advantages of early detection and intervention, there is still much more that can be done to enhance the lives of deaf and hard-of-hearing youngsters. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may be placed in a multitude of different settings, spanning from neighborhood schools to specialized day schools with residential components. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that students with disabilities be considered for a continuum of placements.  How are students with hearing disabilities supported at school?  Children who are deaf or hard of hearing typically begin school without a good linguistic foundation which is essential for developing language, cognitive, and learning skills. The school administrator’s responsibility is to ensure a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) that meets the individual needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Section 504 regulation mandates a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to qualified persons with disabilities.     FAPE outlines the key concepts that schools must follow while educating deaf and hard-of-hearing kids.  The key principles outlined for deaf schools are as follows:   Provide unique and safe learning surroundings for deaf students: Deaf and hard-of-hearing students use a variety of communication channels and accessibility accommodations to participate fully in their educational programs. Students’ hearing levels may not always predict their ability to speak or utilize sign language, and instructors should not assume that students can hear because they can talk. Deaf students are more likely to be victims of child abuse and bullying than their non-disabled peers.   Appropriate academic and learning opportunities should be provided:   Deaf and hard-of-hearing children can achieve high levels of performance when provided with proper language, learning, and academic opportunities that focus on their strengths rather than their impairment. When students fail to meet their linguistic and academic targets, a statewide database should be maintained, and interventions should be implemented.   The family plays an important role:   Parents have the right to engage in their children’s educational planning as informed and interested participants. Educators should respect and consider parental preferences and choices, even if they disagree with local educational placement options. Parental involvement should be encouraged at all stages of planning and decision-making, and those who require accommodation should have access to it.   Specially designed instructions and assistance:   Training, assistive technology, and accommodations should be tailored to each student’s specific needs to help them become confident, autonomous, and full participants in their educational experiences.  Technical help also assists general education instructors and specialized instructional support professionals in understanding their students’ communication, language, and literacy requirements. Parents and students should have a say and a choice in the technologies and accommodations that are offered, ensuring that they are effective for the student’s age and developmental level.   Least Restrictive Environment:   The LRE is influenced by language, communication, and academic needs. A restrictive environment is one where children do not have proper access to proper language, communication, instruction, and social activities that are customized to their unique educational needs. Each local education agency (LEA) is responsible for ensuring the availability of a continuum of educational placements.   As a result, decision-makers must be aware of the whole continuum, which includes state schools for the deaf, special schools, charter schools, and other unique placement options in a certain locale or state. Language development is critical for cognition, literacy, and academic achievement:  Language competency forms the foundation for the development of social-communication and social-cognitive abilities, as well as literacy and academic accomplishment. The first five years of a child’s life are crucial for language development. Students who are also English language learners may require additional program support and assistance.   Access to qualified practitioners:   Early intervention practitioners must have fundamental knowledge and abilities to assist families in promoting language development. State and local education authorities should provide professional development and training tailored to the specific needs of infants, toddlers, and pupils who are deaf or hard of hearing. Without skilled workers and proper support services, children’s capacity to achieve suitable outcomes is threatened.   Educational progress needs to be monitored:  All students’ language, literacy, academic achievement, and social-emotional health should be monitored and reported regularly. When providing services, individual needs must take priority over available resources. Adult and peer role models are vital for self-awareness, social communication, and overall well-being. When kids use ASL, signals, or cued speech, fluent adult and student-facilitated communication is extremely important. State Leadership and Collaboration:  Strong state and local leadership, as well as effective collaboration among key stakeholders, is crucial for efficient program and service delivery systems.   A core team of outstanding deaf education leaders can promote high-quality educational services for children while considering the unique context of each state. Advocacy groups can give information and education that can lead to administrative, procedural, and legislative changes.  How can hearing loss affect the students in a school?  Hearing loss in childhood can have a significant impact on a child’s development. Hearing loss that goes undetected or untreated can lead to learning difficulties and social isolation. School hearing screening programs can provide early detection of hearing loss and interventions to reduce learning barriers.  The consequences of hearing loss vary depending on the kind and severity of the loss, as well as the appropriateness of the therapies.  Any type of hearing loss might impair a child’s ability to communicate effectively and perform academically.  Undiagnosed or untreated hearing loss can lead to:   Delayed speech and language skills.  Language deficits can lead to learning problems and limited academic achievement.   Communication difficulties.  Social isolation and a poor self-concept.  Behavioral problems and negative impact on a child’s vocational and educational choices.  The school nurses’ response to students with hearing disabilities  While many schools have increased the…

How can a School Nurse support your diabetic child?

How can a School Nurse support your diabetic child? Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Parents and schools have the same goal: to guarantee that students with diabetes are safe and able to learn in a supportive environment. Because most kids spend a significant portion of their day in school and related activities, diabetes care in school is an important part of their diabetes treatment. A school nurse could be present all day, for a few hours, on certain days of the week, or not at all. Regardless of the situation, the school must take steps to ensure that your child is safe and receives the proper assistance they require to manage their diabetes so that they can learn. Let us delve a little deeper into the topic of diabetes care at school and how school nurses can help. School Nurses are leaders in students’ diabetic care School nurses are always ready to provide accurate information and clear up any misunderstandings that may arise. They help in explaining diabetes to instructors and students, as well as answering queries about it. They identify diabetes symptoms and provide for the child’s health needs at school, such as checking blood sugars and providing insulin injections, they also take necessary steps if the blood sugars are high or low. They also understand how diabetes affects a kid and provide “accommodations,” such as emphasizing to a youngster the importance of having a water bottle since he or she may be thirsty. Developing and implementing an Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP) for students is an important responsibility that a school nurse is expected to complete as part of diabetes treatment for students. The Section 504 team includes the school health authority and the school nurse; as part of the Section 504 plan, the school nurse can implement or be a part of the IHP. They are also in charge of monitoring diabetic students, ensuring that they receive insulin as needed, and training staff and students to help needy students in an emergency by giving glucagon. The importance of a Diabetes Management Plan Written plans are vital for fostering understanding and maintaining a standard of care. The Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) is a written document created and signed by the student’s healthcare practitioner that includes medical orders for all aspects of the student’s routine and emergency treatment as well as the student’s ability to self-manage. The DMMP must include emergency contact information, as well as individualized information on all aspects of diabetes management at school. It serves as the foundation for all healthcare and education plans and helps ensure the student’s diabetes needs are met appropriately in the school setting. The Legal Framework for Diabetes Care in Schools Students with diabetes are protected by three federal statutes and some state laws: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Diabetes is considered a disability under these regulations; therefore, it is illegal for schools and childcare providers to discriminate against children with diabetes. Any school that receives federal funding support as well as any public institution, must manage all of the special needs of children with diabetes in a reasonable manner. The accommodations must be documented in a written plan created under applicable federal legislation, such as a Section 504 Plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP). Tips for school nurses on how to coordinate diabetes care in the school context Here are some school nurse tips to help school nurses coordinate diabetes care in the school context. It includes preparing the educational setting for newly diagnosed or returning students’ care, where to find training resources, how to prepare for field excursions, what information to provide to transportation, and other information. Review the student’s Diabetes Medical Management Plan/orders physician’s (DMMP) and secure needed diabetes supplies, equipment, medicine, and snacks with parent/guardian before the school year begins or following diagnosis. Check whether the student’s parents or guardians have permission to make insulin adjustments as recommended in the DMMP. Ensure that any changes to the student’s diabetic regimen are communicated to the parent/guardian and that the DMMP is revised to ensure the changes. Seek training as needed to keep the school nurse’s skills up to date and make sure they learn about new technology like the insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor. Establish an Emergency Action Plan for the early detection and treatment of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) and ensure that the student has instant access to a fast-acting glucose source (regular soda, fruit juice, glucose tabs). Establish an Emergency Action Plan for the early detection and treatment of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and ensure that the student has rapid access to water, and insulin as specified in the DMMP. Instruct teachers to never send a student with diabetes anyplace alone, whether he or she is hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic. Identify and recruit school staff who are willing to be trained and plan for ongoing supervision and coordination programs designed to meet the unique needs of the students as mandated by the DMMP. Provide appropriate delegation of care following state legislation or as needed to ensure that competent diabetes care is always accessible for the student. Communicate with the parent/guardian, instructors, and other school personnel regularly to ensure the problems of the student are fulfilled and their needs are met. Provide basic diabetes and diabetes emergency response information to custodial workers who have custodial responsibilities for the student. Recognize that the school is responsible for providing proper training to school staff. If a school nurse requests support from a diabetes educator or another diabetic health care professional, the student’s diabetes provider can give assistance and resources. Additional assistance may be available via local pediatric diabetes centers and health agencies. Inform parents/guardians about their child’s rights under applicable federal laws, such as Section 504, and be a part of the team that determines eligibility for federal assistance and produces the 504 plan or other…

How can EHRs help to create mandatory health reports for schools

How can EHRs help to create mandatory health reports for schools EHRs are real-time patient-centered health records that make health and medical information instantly and securely available to authorized users. The system goes beyond being a record of medical and treatment history, to include a broader view of a patient’s care. It: Is a log of patients’ medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images and laboratory and test results. Allows access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient’s care. Automates and streamlines provider workflows Reporting using EHRs in schools In schools, EHRs assist school nurses in providing population-based healthcare to the entire school community through efficient data management processes, including documentation, student data analysis and reporting. And as for reporting, with the introduction of EHR systems to manage student healthcare data, school districts can now follow a standardized reporting model that makes it easier to analyze health data and make informed healthcare decisions for the school district and state without taking up much time. School nurses can use the EHR systems to generate comprehensive reports on absences, communicable illness outbreaks, immunization compliances and much more in just a few clicks and share them as well with local or state health units. This ability of EHR systems to aggregate data in real-time and deliver reliable health data and reports is what makes it successful in the new value-based healthcare environment. Reporting with EHR systems in schools There are a variety of reports that can be generated by an EHR system and most systems make it easy for authorized users to enter the requirement and generate a report with just the requested fields. In a school environment, forms with student health data are often collected during the beginning of the school year where students can submit a form of their health statuses. And the information needed is extracted and put into a report. While this process was manually handled earlier, it has proven to be tedious as it involved hours of paperwork and coordination, without which it would be a challenge to put together such enormous amounts of information. With the introduction of digital forms in EHR systems, the collection of information and reporting has become so much easier as it enables collation of the information without much hassle and eliminates any need for paper. Once it collates all the relevant information, it is then saved to the database. Some of the pre-built health reports for schools that can be easily generated on EduHealth EHR are:  Immunization reports COVID 19 status reports Medical history reports Treatment history reports Allergy reports Nurse visit reports Log reports If you need a custom or a specific report that is not currently available in the current module, our team will help you add the custom report into your product, so you never come across a hassle in your reporting requirements. How EduHealth helps schools meet their mandatory reporting requirements Meticulous reporting on student health and the coordination between schools, school districts, local health bodies and state health administrations are critical to ensuring the safety of students and staff in the school environment. Reports generated by EHR systems are standardized and therefore enable coordination. EduHealth’s comprehensive reporting module is in-built with most standard reports that allow authorized school health officials to quickly compile this information and submit it in a standardized manner to the authorities concerned. Standardization of reporting with EduHealth EHR makes sure that no information is missed. Health authorities have the correct and updated health information of students and staff enabling them to take important calls on key health-related decisions for school districts. This helps them to meet their mandatory reporting requirements and get all information together in one format, which makes reporting convenient and efficient.

How do electronic health records (EHR or EMR) improve the quality of care

How do electronic health records (EHR or EMR) improve the quality of care   There is a growing interest in EHRs around the world. Technology and innovations are changing the health industry, governments and organizations are focusing on providing better health services to the public.  Today, we’ll look at the world of EHRs or EMRs and how significant they are in the ever-changing world of modern health care.  Examining the health-care quality aspect of EHRs You may be aware of EHR’s or EMR’s in recent times and how they are changing the health industry with their fast-paced functionalities and interoperability. EHR’s are conceptually designed for different purposes and they offer a huge advantage of collecting and maintaining the patients’ medical information in electronic formats.    EHRs contain a wide range of patient-level variables such as diagnoses, demographics, vital signs, problem lists, medications, and laboratory data. It is a key tool that performs a variety of core functions such as health information capture, clinical decision support, health information exchange, patient support, electronic communication, orders and results management administrative processes, and population health reporting. Electronic health records provide all the essential information and meaningful patient data that helps in providing positive health outcomes. In present times doctors and clinics are better equipped to treat the patients and meet their expectations, and readily available valuable data from the EHR systems will help contribute to easier clinical decision making. Better analysis and information  EHR’s provides better and more detailed information about the patients that were not previously possible with paper charts. Primary care providers can acquire accurate analysis by viewing or printing graph values such as cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight by tracking all the changes over time. The EMR data will help primary care providers to develop a better care plan for chronic diseases, management, prevention, and screening. Point-of-care data from EMRs can be used to inform practice and conduct research. The EMR data provides the physician with valuable practice-level information when used meaningfully, which includes standard and consistent data entry in specific fields. Positive effects on workflow  The EMR allows clinicians to see a greater number of patients by providing better access to comprehensive patient histories that include clinical data, potentially saving physicians time searching for results and reports. Remote access to patient charts, improved laboratory result availability, medication error alerts, and preventive care reminders are among the perceived benefits. Aids physicians in focusing on preventive care  Improved versions of today’s EHRs have helped healthcare providers manage preventable diseases more effectively. They can use EHRs to send electronic templates to patients, prompting them to schedule appointments for procedures such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and other exams. These precautions can help in the early detection of potentially fatal diseases like breast cancer. Doctors can stay on top of their patient’s health by being on a high alert for patients who still have not had important screening tests.  EHRs give caregivers the tools they need to spot patient risks and behaviors, resulting in better preventive care. It also allows doctors to focus on patients rather than numbers, which improves the quality of care and treatment outcomes. Better Patient Outcomes  In the emergency room, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, doctors are frequently the only point of contact for patients. When data isn’t recorded and available to all staff, it leads to fragmented data and misinterpretations. Thanks to EHRs, administrators can virtually monitor a patient’s health. This improves patient outcomes by improving access to healthcare data and care coordination. The Positive Impact of EHRs in the Healthcare industry EHRs are significantly transforming the healthcare industry; they contain patient-centered records containing medical and treatment histories of patients that are only accessible to authorized users.  Because of its safe and compatible features, and elaborate reports, it is an ideal instrument for health practitioners and labs to provide a comprehensive and broader view of the patient’s care. So, how do EHRs improve the quality of care, you might ask?  Well, EHR systems are designed to go beyond the standard clinical data collected in a physician’s office. Here are some of the key points that EHRs deliver in the field of healthcare and medicine. Improved Patients care  Aside from making healthcare providers’ lives easier, they also improve patient care and safety. EHRs make more valuable data available to providers and aid in clinical data management. They also help to streamline clinical decision-making and time-consuming processes.  Patients may see multiple doctors, ranging from cardiologists to dermatologists. Every doctor a patient sees must have the same knowledge. EHRs ensure that every provider in the patient’s network of care is aware of which medications they are taking as well as any other treatment plans. EHRs also offer the convenience of electronic prescriptions sent to pharmacies and the elimination of the need to fill out the same forms at each doctor’s visit. EHRs put accurate and complete information about patients’ health and medical history at the fingertips of providers. With EHRs, caregivers can provide the best possible care at the point of care. This can result in a better patient experience and, more importantly, better patient outcomes. That is how EHRs help in improving patient care by delivering high-quality treatment.  Increase Patient Participation  EHRs authorize providers and patients to share access to electronic health information and collaborate on making informed decisions. Patient involvement is especially important for treating chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and obesity. EHR-enabled patient portals give patients access to critical healthcare information. EHRs deliver patients with access to current medical records and enable them to review notes or treatment results in near real-time. Many also allow patients to send messages to providers through a secure system.    Providers may be able to identify symptoms earlier if patients and providers can communicate quickly and easily. It can also position providers to be more proactive in their patient outreach. Patients can also access information from their providers via patient portals linked to their EHR system.  Improved Care Coordination   As medical and…

How can schools implement FERPA and HIPAA regulations using EHR

  How can schools implement FERPA and HIPAA regulations using EHR  As digital health records and electronic health monitoring and recording technologies transform public health systems, medical institutions, and schools, we need to address how to meet HIPAA and FERPA compliance standards set by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Selecting, adapting, and implementing a reliable documentation system for patient records is part of health information technology. When schools are using EHRs to capture their students’ health information, they must follow HIPAA and FERPA privacy rules for storing and transmitting personal data for billing or business purposes. Continue reading to the end to gain a better understanding of how these federal privacy laws impact educational institutions and how to ensure compliance.  What do we know about HIPAA and FERPA compliance so far?  According to federal law in the United States, school health records are considered educational records. This means that a child’s right to privacy and access is influenced by the same regulations that protect educational records. When schools share (PHI) protected health information with these students, the HIPAA and FERPA act automatically apply to them.  When do FERPA guidelines apply to school health records?   FERPA protects the privacy of students’ records and information in school health records. The types of student records that come under FERPA are financial information, disciplinary files, student transcripts, and immunization and health records.   Parental consent is necessary under FERPA before records may be shared. The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act applies to all schools that receive finances from the US Department of Education, as well as those with which they interact.   When do HIPAA guidelines apply to school health records?  While FERPA applies to schools and educational institutions, HIPAA applies to healthcare. When a school hires external healthcare personnel who digitally shares PHI (protected health information) such as healthcare claims to a health plan for payment, they are subject to HIPAA.When sharing student health information with the following authorities, schools must adhere to HIPAA guidelines. Physicians  Nurses  Organizations that present bills or are paid for healthcare in the normal course of business  Clinical social workers  Other medical and mental health practitioners  Hospitals  Clinics  HIPAA-covered organizations that assist school-based health clinics could have the same student healthcare information protected by both HIPAA and FERPA. A hospital or health agency would be bound to follow HIPAA guidelines when retaining the same student’s health information.   How can FERPA and HIPAA be implemented in schools?   Under FERPA and HIPAA, schools must follow the guidelines that protect the privacy of student PHI records while transferring them electronically. According to these laws, schools are subject to multiple health record privacy and access requirements than doctors, clinics, and hospitals. To follow compliance, schools can implement EHR system like EduHealth. Here are some of the major challenges addressed by implementing EHR in schools.    Collaboration  A collaborative care model demands secure sharing of student health data by physicians, counselors, athletic trainers, and other specialties. EHR software will help schools to facilitate collaboration in schools within a short period. Productivity  Workflows will be streamlined with the automation of routine administrative and nursing tasks when EHRs are implemented, enabling providers to see more patients and provide better care. Compliance   Manually verifying thousands of student immunization records and sending out reminders is tedious and time-consuming. This is something that EHRs can help address and solve because they provide a safe and dependable method of sharing and storing student health data with other allied health institutions and personnel.   Security  Total student data security and privacy, starting with HIPAA/FERPA compliance, is essential. EHRs are a safe, compliant, and efficient medium for adhering to HIPAA and FERPA federal laws when using student PHI for treatment or billing.  What student records can be stored and shared under FERPA     The type of student records that requires compliance are the following.  Financial information  Disciplinary files  Immunization & health records  All personal information  Student course history  Student transcripts  According to FERPA, numerous requirements make compliance requirements necessary for schools to protect private student information. In any case non-compliance will result in hefty fines.   There is no formal retention time for student records, however, many state laws set retention restrictions. Temporary student records should be maintained for at least 5 years, even after the student no longer attends and permanent records need to be maintained for at least 60 years.  When can the school records be shared?  With school administrators who have legitimate educational interests.  To other schools where students will be transferring.  To designated officials for auditing and evaluation.  To third parties concerning student financial aid.  In the event of a health or safety emergency, to health officials.  In compliance with appropriate state law, to state local authorities in a juvenile justice system.  How Eduhealth helps schools implement FERPA and HIPAA regulations to keep confidential health information safe?  The key aspects that EHR systems like EduHealth help for implementing FERPA and HIPAA regulations are.  HIPAA-compliant features in EduHealth EHR  Audit trails – Every action taken in EduHealth is recorded, as well as when the changes were made.  Encryption – The data stored in the EduHealth system is encrypted, preventing the risk of unauthorized access by strangers.  Access controls – EduHealth’s access controls ensure that only authorized personnel have access to students’ PII.  Security – EduHealth is centered on the reliable Microsoft Azure platform. HIPAA requirements have been mapped to the well-established security frameworks and standards that CSPs follow regularly.  FERPA-compliant features in EduHealth EHR Record retention: – EduHealth stores students’ PII (personally identifiable information) in the cloud and complies with state requirements by retaining the information for as long as it is required.  Robust security and protocols: With secure processes on the EduHealth platform, it protects students’ PII and avoids improper disclosure.  Paperless digital health records:  EduHealth’s access controls and security make unauthorized access to PII less likely.  Security in information sharing: Data stored in EduHealth is secure and shareable only with authorized persons.   For schools who want to ensure compliance with HIPAA and FERPA  Schools are currently experiencing…